Sunday, April 24, 2022

Red Aventurine Order Going Out

Aventurine represents Creativity, Prosperity, and Practical Enthusiasm.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Resin Experiments Follow-Up

My little jar had tiny air bubbles throughout. They aren't hideous - they actually look like little sparkles. You have to look for them, but they're there. So I thought next time I try that, I'd use an actual casting resin, rather than a doming resin. I'm still experimenting and looking for the perfect casting resin for that type of project.

AMAZING 2-Part Epoxy Casting Resin, 8-oz. kit
This two-part clear coating and casting resin is easy to use.
It's great for small items and pieces less than 3/8" thick and excellent for doming bezels or polymer clay pendants and medallions. However, it’s just thick enough that if you use this for cast items thicker or deeper than the recommended 3/8 inch, you are likely to notice tiny air bubbles in your finished product.

You use it like this:
Combine equal parts of Part A and Part B, as measured out in your mixing cups. I find it helpful to mark the increments I want to pour to with a magic marker, like so: (whoops, I forgot to get that picture! Will edit and add that photo tomorrow when the light is better!)

Stir slowly and gently for 2 to 3 minutes, so as to avoid introducing too many air bubbles into your resin. A popsicle stick is perfect for this. I recommend you use the plain wooden popsicle sticks and not the brightly colored dyed ones unless you're okay with some of that color transferring into your resin. 
Plain wooden popsicle sticks

Once combined, you have up to 30 minutes working time, so allow the mixed resin to rest 5 to 10 minutes in order to release air bubbles before pouring onto your piece or into your mold. 

Once you’ve poured your resin, watch for air bubbles to emerge on the surface of your resin. When those appear (and they will!) there are a few ways to deal with them:
  1. You can blow on them gently with your mouth. I've heard it’s the carbon dioxide in your breath that pops the bubbles.
  2. You can blow on them gently with a drinking straw. This concentrates the breath (and CO2), and is a little more effective than simply blowing on them.  
  3. You can use a flame, like from a long-neck lighter or a cooking torch, to EVER SO LIGHTLY AND QUICKLY brush the tip of the flame across the resin surface. There's a link to a video below that shows this technique. You'll want to see how it's done before attempting this method, as it is easy to get carried away with the flame and cause a fire hazard.
Pieces can generally be de-molded in 18 to 24 hours, but will still be what I call "tender" - they may feel firm, but you can accidentally imprint or damage the surface of the resin even though it seems hard - so allow the finished piece to cure a good 48 hours before any sanding, polishing, drilling, or other rough handling.

Use a release agent when using a non-silicone mold for resin casting.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Ice Resin Experiment

Here's what I did today
The last time I did a resin project, I was using a workspace out in the garage. It's a perfectly nice workspace, but apparently it had been longer than I realized since I'd been out there. 
A couple of reasons for that - one, I've been negotiating with my hip for comfort and mobility. Unfortunately, it's been a rather demanding and hard-to-please hip. And while my garage space is a very nice creative space, it isn't quite the friendliest place for a sore and difficult hip to hang out. Secondly, Mother Nature got mixed up and sent us Tuscon's summer this year (we're in Fort Worth). So many days over 100, days in the one hundred teens - It was pretty rugged. I'm certainly grateful for air conditioning. That said, I know I didn't make any work-days in the garage this year, and it may have been a bit longer than I realized. 

I recently had occasion to make some shifts and do some rearranging in the house and, in the process, opened up a creative space right here inside (yay!). So today I went out to the garage to collect some resin-project materials to do a project. 

When I'm working with Ice Resin, I often prop the bottles upside-down in plastic cups (one for the resin, and a second one for the hardener) so the material, which is pretty thick, will already be at the "top" of the bottle and ready to pour into my measuring cup. Otherwise, since it is so thick and moves so slowly, it can be a drag to wait for it to come out of the bottle. I have no idea when was the last time I did a resin project, but I know for sure it was before summer, so those bottles stood upside down like that all summer, and then some. 

Ordinarily it wouldn't be an issue. They've got their lids on, and the material has always stayed in the bottles, no problem. But in this summer's heat, something expanded - the air above them?  the resin itself? maybe both - and both the resin and the hardener had seeped out into their respective holding cups.
Resin seeped out of the bottle into the cup
Not the end of the world, but messy, for sure. So Big Lesson Number One is, if you're going to store your resin bottles upside down, you better be using them pretty regularly so they don't have time to make a mess that you'll have to clean up before you start your next project. Big Lesson Number Two is, don't leave them out in the garage during summer, where the heat makes everything expand, guaranteeing that your resin bottles will leak!

Having gotten that all put back in order, I was eager to proceed with some new materials and molds that I recently acquired I will include links to everything at the end of this blog post.

Following is the order of operations for today's projects:

Using Ice Resin, I poured 7.5 ml Ice Resin into a measuring container, and mixed in 1 drop Transparent Teal Resin Colorant into the resin, according to product instructions. 

Then I added 7.5 ml Ice Resin hardener and stirred 2 minutes; then let it rest 5 min, again, according to product instructions.
I blew emerging bubbles off the surface of the resting resin as they came up. 
Then I poured the base of the Round Trinket Box first (very slowly and carefully, so the resin can seep down the sides and release the air bubbles from there), and then the lid to the round storage box.
I still had a bit of resin left, so I poured 3 Cube Beads

With still a bit of resin left after that, I mixed in some Ice Resin Crystal Opals into the remaining resin, and poured the last 3 cube beads.
Ever little bit I would blow emerging air bubbles off the resin surfaces. 

I noticed several 2-3mm air bubbles that worked their way up from the sides of the round box mold, and found these amazingly resistant to being popped with a tool. I was able to pop them with the corner of an alcohol wipe, which I keep at my work station for cleanup. (As soon as I retrieved my torch, those bubbles stopped appearing!) Next time I make this piece, I will have some kind of slender tool, like a toothpick or a needle tool to work down the sides of the mold and help facilitate the resin in, and the air out. 

I swept the torch flame over all resin surfaces, popping all those tiny air bubbles. I'm checking it about every 20-30 minutes, and right now everything looks as smooth as glass.

All those pieces need to sit at least twelve hours, so I'll post again (with pictures, of course!) once I've unmolded them. See you then!

Supply Links:
Ice Resin 
Transparent Teal Resin Colorant - 
Measuring cups 
Stir Sticks - 
Silicone Round Trinket Box Mold -
Cube Bead Mold - 
Ice Resin Crystals - 
Needle Tool - 
Alcohol Wipes -
Torch - 
Torch Fuel - 
Non-Stick Silicone Craft Mat - 
Latex-Free Disposable Gloves - 




Friday, August 17, 2018

Quick Stretchy Bracelet How-to (Refresher)

A very informal, quick refresher on making stretchy bracelets.
(There is an introductory narrative section before the video begins at :52)

Here is a list of the supplies mentioned in the video. You can, of course, get your supplies wherever you like, but it does help me if you purchase from these Amazon Affiliate links 😉

.5mm stretchy cord:  
Collapsible eye beading needle:  
E6000 Glue: 

Follow Eight Susquehanna on Facebook

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Today we're talking about Agate.

Agate comes in a variety of colors, often striped, or banded.

It is a variety of Chalcedony, which is a member of the quartz family of minerals.

Agate is thought to derive its name from the Achates River in present-day Sicily after having been noticed by the Greek philosopher and naturalist, Theophrastus, somewhere around the third to fourth centuries BC, about 2300 to 2400 years ago.

Agate is composed of silicon and oxygen in various molecular and crystalline forms and arrangements, and has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, making it easier to retain a high shine polish.

Agate is found all over the world, so it's not what you would call rare.

Agate represents Balance, Harmonizing, and Longevity, and is a birthstone for those born in the month of May. 

Agate is one of the gemstones in the breastplate of the high priests of the Old Testament. Several ancient peoples - Babylonians, Mesopotamians, Ancient Egyptian and Chinese cultures - felt that agate was protective. Its perceived benefits ranged from warding off the evil eye, dispelling evil energy, protection from natural disasters and storms, protection from thirst, spiritual protection, and enhancing one's life or fortune, to name a few. Nowadays we consider Agate to represent a gentle healing frequency. If you would like to feel an enhanced sense of pace, balance, and ease of mind, meditate on Agate.
Agate at Photographed using the Cloud Dome Nimbus

Wednesday, August 8, 2018


I made these butterflies with .999 fine silver Precious metal clay. They each have a design on the front; some have plain backs, and some have designs on the backs. Precious metal clay is a product that uses very fine particles of, in this case silver, combined with an organic binder. This makes a material that looks and feels a great deal like a fine ceramic clay. You can mold it, and shape it, and and sculpt it, and even carve it, before it’s been fired. When it’s fired, the organic binder burns off, leaving only the silver - .999 pure silver in this case. There are several brands and varieties of metal clay - the .999 silver like these are made out of; or you can also find it in sterling silver, copper, bronze, and yes, even gold! There’s even a stainless steel metal clay product! Some of the clays have different firing requirements, but this particular clay is very easy to work and to fire. For me, working in this material is like making miniature sculptures. The colored butterflies were patina’d with liver of sulphur. It does get some amazing color, but I have a tip for you - when you set about to patina your metals, DO NOT use liver of sulphur IN YOUR HOUSE - mercy, that stuff stinks! But it sure makes pretty colors on metal, so use it in the garage, or outside, with plenty of ventilation. I made this video originally, to show someone who had asked for a custom piece with one of these butterflies. She selected the third patina’d butterfly with the swirls on front. I wonder if perhaps she chose it because the texture on the back also contains a little bonus butterfly! Butterflies, by the way, represent Metamorphosis, Change, Unfoldment, Becoming. I will be getting these put together into jewelry pieces and post them online for you at Meanwhile, thank you so much for watching and reading - I appreciate your attention. You can shop my other items at If you want to try your hand at making something like these, you can shop Precious Metal Clay Supplies at the following Affiliate Links (I do get a small commission from any orders from these links):
PMC3 Beginner Tool Kit with Torch: 
PMC3 Beginner Kit with Hot Pot: 
PMC Mini-Pot Kit:  
PMC Syringe:  
Texture Plate: 
Carving Tool Kit: 
Firing and Soldering Tripod: 
Brass Brush: 
Burnishing Set: 
Liver of Sulphur: 
Lortone Tumbler: 
Tumbling Shot: 

Friday, December 15, 2017

Toy ideas for grade-schoolers

OMG, this looks like so much fun!
The Scientific Explorer "My First Mind Blowing Science Kit!"
Quite suitable for a grade-schooler (with adult supervision, of course!)